上課規定 Rule of Jenny’s Pilates Academy


03 March 2019

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  • 報名時請預先付清課程費用,以保留上課名額
  • 課程採預約制,可以使用網路預約系統或簡訊、line、電話預約7日內課程
  • 為尊重學員及教師權益,所有課程皆準時上下課。
  • 如需取消或更動已預約之團體課程,請於網路系統、簡訊或來電更改,無故缺席或未在規定時間内請假者,將視為出席不予補課:
    • 週一至週日中午 12:00 前之課程,於前一晚 23:59 前登記
    • 週一至週日下午 13:00 後之課程,於開課前兩小時登記
  • 私人課程預約時段若學員遲到,仍依預約之時間準時下課,為確保自身權益,請準時上課。
    • 私人課程開課前 2 小時內取消,視為出席
    • 24 小時内取消,扣半堂。若連續二週(含)在開課前 24 小時內臨時取消課程,將取消固定時段及教練的權益,改為預約制,並依預約時段指派適合的教練,課程仍需在約定期限內補課上完
  • 團體課程專班同學在10周期限內照規定可請假2次,須告知並確認教室已接受請假,超過次數視為出席。補課需在當期專班期限內預約任一團體課程,同點數課程可平行補課,不同點數請補價差至單堂收費,逾期失效。專班學生要轉班以一次為限。
  • 如因學員缺、曠課、導致超過會籍有效期限之課程,不得以任何理由申請延期或退費
  • 團體課自由堂數票卷如臨時加人共用請補價差至單堂課費用
  • 有不可抗力的因素則請出示證明以便扣除相關課程費用
  • 學員有下列原因時得提出證明文件,以書面向{珍妮彼拉提斯體適能學苑}申請延期或終止課程,經{珍妮彼拉提斯體適能學苑}審核通過後始生效力
    1. 疾病或其他健康因素
    2. 懷孕不適合繼續進行任何課程(需檢具公私立醫院診所診斷證明)
    3. 服兵役(需檢具兵役證明)
    4. 出國(需檢具護照或電子機票)
  • 學員申請延期課程經核准後,於延期屆滿日,視同復課,且該課程於次日起自動恢復進行,教室不負退費義務
  • 遇特殊情況或活動,教室將公告停課;遇不可抗力之天然災害(例如地震、颱風等)依政府機關公佈為主,若團體課程停課,則將專班課程往後順延一週
  • 若課程為需要穿鞋、止滑襪(器械課程),請著乾淨室內球鞋、止滑襪入場,並在使用完道具及瑜珈墊後用酒精消毒清潔及歸位,保持教室整潔,提供完整的教室給下一位使用者
  • 任何時段之團課如預約之付費學員未達 3人,本教室有權調整併班或通知學生取消開課

Rule of Jenny’s Pilates Academy

  • Please pay course fee in advance when register for reservation at class location.
  • Course reservation can be access through online reservation system http://jennyspilates.com/booking/or line:”pilatesjenny”, and telephone:02-2704-3838 to book within 7 days.
  • All classes will be on time. The class will end on time even if students are late.
    Cancelation or reschedule neededAll classes starts before 12 PM., please inform us before 12 o’clock at night, and all classes starts from 1 PM please inform us 2 hours prior to the class start form Monday to Sunday. Absent without reasons or not in the specified time will be considered as attending and make up will not be allowed.
  • Cancellation of a private lesson within 2 hours prior to the start of the course will considered as attendance. If class is cancelled for 2 consecutive weeks (including) within 24 hours prior to the start of the class, the benefits of the fixed period and the coach will be abolished. Changed to an appointment system, and suitable coaches will be assigned by Jenny’s Pilates Academy. The course still has to be completed within the agreed time frame.
  • Group class students can take upto 2 leaves of absence within 10 weeks, please do inform and confirm with the studio. For making up missed classes, students must make an appointment for any classes (same points) within the time limit. For additional points, please pay price difference to a single class and the course will be invalid after 10 weeks.
  • No extension or refund may be requested for any reason in the event that the student is absent, absenteeism and leads to a course that exceeds the validity period of the membership.
  • Group class free point ticket volume please spread the price difference to single class charge if additional temporary plus people to share (please refer to the rule of fee).
  • Students may submit a certificate to (Jenny Pilates Academy)for extension or termination of the course for the following reasons, after the approval:
    1. Sickness or other health reasons.
    2. Pregnancy is not suitable to attend any course (requires inspection of public and private hospital clinic diagnostic certificate)
    3. Military service (requires inspection of military service)
    4. Going abroad (requires passport or electronic ticket) The student’s application for the extension of the course is approved by(Jenny Pilates Academy). On the expiration date, the course will be resumed automatically and the course will resume from the next day. (Jenny Pilates Academy) No refund obligation
  • In case of special circumstances or activities, the classroom will announce the suspension of classes. In case of irresistible natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, it is decided by the Personnel Administration Bureau to decide whether to suspend classes. If the class is suspended, the course will be postponed.
  • If the course requires shoes and socks (equipment course), please bring clean indoor shoes, (anti slip socks), and use alcohol and disinfection and homing after using the props and yoga mats to keep the classroom clean and provide a complete classroom for next user.
  • If the number of register students are less than 3 for any group classes at any time, the studio have the right to notify the student to cancel or postpone classes.